John & Brittany

John & Brittany

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bear With One Another

"Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another... (Colossians 3:12-13)
Believer it or not, Brittany and I spend a lot of time ministering to new and immature believers. At times, it can try our patience when we talk with middle and high school students who don't seem to be growing in their faith. But, by God's grace, the Holy Spirit is working in the heart of every Christian.
We must bear with one another in the characteristics and attitudes mentioned in verse 12—with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and patience. To “bear,” means to help carry another’s burdens or pain. This could be a physical or monetary burden, or even the heartfelt, emotional pain of sin in this world. Paul commands the Colossian believers to carry each other along in patience, understanding and empathizing in the burdens of others. Bearing something extra as you physically walk up a hill will slow you down. You aren’t as free to run quickly or to move side-to-side. The burden you are bearing forces you to be focused on reaching a particular point. Thus, when backpacking, hikers are often very singularly minded when hiking together. They are not worried with playing hopscotch or kicking around a soccer ball as they walk. There is no leisurely walking involved in backpacking, but rather a focused walk that is guided by the lead hiker. So it is with believers in the church. Mature believers can never run on ahead in life, leaving behind new Christians that are hungry to understand how to be more conformed into the image of Christ. The body of Christ is designed and ordained by God to grow and mature as a whole body—not grow stronger in a way that is entirely unbalance and useless to the Father’s plan. God has commanded us to encourage and uplift the weaker brethren, and to serve the helpless and hopeless. Through this the body of Christ is unified, and we grow together in our purpose of being transformed into His image. We must be driven to love each other regardless of what we receive in return—we love because the Father first loved us and gave His son for us!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks, John ... this encouraged me this morning.
