John & Brittany

John & Brittany

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Two CDL drivers!

John and I are officially Commercial Drivers License holders. We are excited and relieved that we both passed our tests last week and are prepping to drive for off-campus recs this summer. We are always needing more bus drivers to shuttle students from campus to our dozen off-campus rec sites, so we are excited to be a part of filling that need.

Please pray for us as we shuttle students four days a week for 10 weeks this summer. Pray that we will be faithful to pursue intentional conversations. Pray that we will be rested and alert as drivers. Pray that we will seek out opportunities to minister even during our fun recreation times.

Our summer staff will arrive for two weeks of training in 13 days. Our first group of students will arrive for week 1 of summer camp in 27 days. Pray for all that God has in store for us and for them.
