John & Brittany

John & Brittany

Friday, May 30, 2014

Life in the midst of SWO Staff Training

Berkley is now four months old and we are just finishing up with two weeks of summer staff training. These past couple of months have been tough because of the crazy schedule, but are loving getting to see Berkley grow and preparing for a summer of ministry to students. Brittany has moved out of her official capacity at Snowbird to focus on raising Berkley. The transition has been tough at times, but we are excited to see the new ways the Lord is going to use her among the female interns and summer staffers. Our prayer is that God uses our family for the sake of His glory. At times, that will be through daily tasks that support the greater ministry of Snowbird. Other times it will simply come about by inviting younger couples into our home for dinner and speaking the Gospel into their lives. We learn in Ephesians that marriage is for our sanctification and we see that raising children hurries that glorious process along even more quickly! As the Lord grows us in wisdom and godliness, our prayer is that we will be persistent in inviting people into our lives to walk through that process with us and and be encouraged by the Lord's patience and grace in our life.

I've been working continually on a website project for Snowbird that will provide a greater capacity for us to provide sermon podcasts, videos, and blogs with a Gospel-focused purpose. Our plan is to better encourage and support youth pastors, students, and parents with God's Word on daily basis. Needless to say, countless hours have been spent fine-tuning the website side of this plan but it has been a great learning experience and I am excited for Snowbird to unveil the finished product in the next month!

One of the biggest ministry opportunities Brittany and I have comes each summer when roughly 100 college students arrive in May for twelve weeks of training and summer camp ministry. As I mentioned earlier, we are already two weeks into their stint here at Snowbird and we have already begun building some great relationship with certain summer staffers. Several guys and girls that were in our small groups as high school students are returning as staff members and use their summer to pour out the Gospel into students' lives. Praise Jesus for His work in their hearts!

Please be in prayer over the teachers and staff here at Snowbird this summer. We are all spending time delving into the Gospel of Mark in preparation to discuss John Mark's recording of events in the life of Christ. Pray that the authority, glory and preeminence of Christ is communicated clearly and boldly--and received with humility and repentance.

In Christ,

Prayer Requests from John & Brittany:
  • Pray that we keep our eyes on Jesus when days get long and energy runs low.
  • Pray that we continually look to Christ for power and fruitfulness in ministry and never rely on our own strength.
  • Pray that we will build quick and strong relationships with summer staffers and have time to invest in them on the weekends.
  • Pray that we will be faithful to maintain and pursue friendships with people in our church even in the busy schedule of summer camp.
  • Pray that we both continue growing in humility and faith as we learn how to raise our daughter, Berkley.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Honduras 2013

Me and Brittany with our sponsor child, Yefry (Jefry)
Thanks to everyone for your prayers over our Honduras mission trip last week. This was my fifth year visiting Orphanage Emmanuel, and Brittany's seventh. God has blessed us both with great favor among the staff and a strong friendship with the kids! Emmanuel is well established in the country and the staff are often overwhelmed with raising nearly 500 kids on a daily basis. Lots of money pours in from American churches and contacts, but both the staff and kids are in continual need of encouragement —and we were able to provide that!

Little boys getting ready for the new zip line.
John and Armando
During the week we traveled down, the kids were out of school for their winter break so that allowed for some great time spent together. Between our Snowbird staff and families, our group brought 74 people down this year! This large number gave us the opportunity to build the first two zip-lines on their property! We were able to provide countless first-time experiences for the kids and solidify their trust in relationships at the same time. 

My week was spent primarily hanging out with Yefry, our sponsor child, and helping him cut and erect fence posts around the outside of their property for the cows they raise. There is no better tool for building friendships with guys than doing manual labor in the hot sun — especially when my Spanish still needs work! The week proved to be a huge step forward in our relationship with Yefry, and I was able to talk with him even more about Christ and push him towards the Gospel. I do not think he is a follower of Christ yet, but I asked his older cousin, who is also at Emmanuel, to keep speaking truth into his life at every chance. Angel is going to spend more time teaching him about the Bible and I am excited to hear more about their progress! 

Tegucigalpa, Honduras (On the way to Emmanuel)
Wednesday afternoon, I was able to teach a Bible study to the teenage boys from Colossians 3:1-11 and used Paul's analogy of new and old clothes to explain the difference between people who have been raised with Christ (new man) and those who are still enslaved to sin (old man). I pray that the boys who have known me for several years felt the urgency of my words, and will be driven to go back and study through the passage on their own.

Brittany spent each morning working with some of the older girls in one of the kitchens. She's been able to continually build a solid relationship with them for the past several years. She spent most afternoons visiting some of the girls who work with the babies and toddlers (most of whom are mommies themselves). She also was able to teach those girls on Wednesday afternoon about living for glory of the God in all things, even when circumstances and outcomes are not what we hope for. All of the children at Emmanuel loved to rub Brittany's baby belly. It was clear they don't see pregnant women that often. They were so curious!  

It was an eventful trip that kept us very busy and tired, but it is such a blessing to build on those same relationships every year. We are thankful for those of you who were able to financially support us. Our time at Emmanuel is so important to us and the children, and we're grateful for your encouragement, prayers and support for the glory of the Father.

Orphanage Emmanuel, Guiamaca, Honduras

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Beginnings

These first two weeks of January are always celebrated for new beginnings. Unfortunately, most resolutions are focused around making life healthier, more enjoyable, and better for ourselves and our family. As a follower of Christ Jesus, we already have a permanent new life through the blood of the cross. Let's accept it as such and allow the Holy Spirit to renew our minds and hearts through study of His Word this year!

"If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory."
(Colossians 3:1-4)

At the point of salvation, the believer’s life is hidden with Christ—bathed in the blood of the Lamb. We are now secure in His sovereign hand! We are immediately hidden from the clutches of death, from the eternal hold it has on all those who reject Christ. Those who are newly identified with “Christ in God” share a common fellowship with the Father and Son. 1 Corinthians 6:17 tells us, “But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him.” And we read in 2 Peter 1:4 that believers are “partakers of the divine nature.” This oneness with Christ cannot be taken away by any man or any spiritual force. Our adoption by God the Father is final and unchangeable; “…an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God's power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time” (1 Pet. 1:4-5). Jesus boldly states in John 10:28, “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.”

"...and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator."
(Colossians 3:10)

The Colossian believers (like us) have a new identity in Christ! Romans 6:6 says, “We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin.” They have already become the new man, the new self. “We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life” (Rom. 6:4). Paul urges the Colossians to take hold of the new identity they have the through the death and resurrection of Jesus. They are already indwelt with the promised Holy Spirit, but now they must understand the gravity of it and begin living in the knowledge of that.

A holy life flows directly from a mature knowledge of Jesus. We are told in Romans 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind...” There is no growth in the Christian life without increased knowledge. Our increasing knowledge of God and His character is what grows us into in deeper fellowship with our heavenly Father. “And to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4:23-24). Our source of knowledge is scripture! The new self grows by an immersion in the Word of God, how can we so easily neglect it? God is glorified as we are made more into the image of Christ!


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Two years in and a lifetime to go.

Today marks my two-year wedding anniversary. I can recount every emotion from that day — getting my hair done, hanging out with my mom, sitting with my best friends in anticipation of my pronouncement as a wife and seeing my soon-to-be husband for the first time as we paraded around the plantation grounds taking photos and talking of what would be our life together. I never imagined it so good.
Our first look.
I give glory to God that my husband is the epitome of a Biblical husband. He is patient and kind, always willing to serve. He is committed and diligent. He is hard-working, honorable and selfless. He rises early every morning to commune with the Father. He always looks for ways to serve me better in order to show me Jesus.

I am grateful every morning. I don't want to take my days with my husband for granted because I know so many who would give anything for just one more day with theirs. And I don't want to see the days rush by in hopes of something better to come. But mostly, I don't want to allow my affections for him to place him as a Savior status in my heart.

Bridal party.
The minute I begin relying on John for my every need and want, I have set him up for failure. You see, that is not what God created him for. Jesus is my Savior. He is all I need. John is the sweet gift of grace in my life that shows me just a glimpse of Christ's great love for me. I'm so thankful God has granted me the promise of eternal life and that my earthly life is lined with graces and mercies. I am so thankful John is my bridegroom, leading me to the foot of the cross.

Here's to celebrating two years of marriage complete and entering our third! I pray God will continue to keep our marriage in His hands, knowing it is only by His great work that we are able to live, move and have our being.

Check out our wedding highlights video and enjoy being a part of the best day of my life.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bear With One Another

"Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another... (Colossians 3:12-13)
Believer it or not, Brittany and I spend a lot of time ministering to new and immature believers. At times, it can try our patience when we talk with middle and high school students who don't seem to be growing in their faith. But, by God's grace, the Holy Spirit is working in the heart of every Christian.
We must bear with one another in the characteristics and attitudes mentioned in verse 12—with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and patience. To “bear,” means to help carry another’s burdens or pain. This could be a physical or monetary burden, or even the heartfelt, emotional pain of sin in this world. Paul commands the Colossian believers to carry each other along in patience, understanding and empathizing in the burdens of others. Bearing something extra as you physically walk up a hill will slow you down. You aren’t as free to run quickly or to move side-to-side. The burden you are bearing forces you to be focused on reaching a particular point. Thus, when backpacking, hikers are often very singularly minded when hiking together. They are not worried with playing hopscotch or kicking around a soccer ball as they walk. There is no leisurely walking involved in backpacking, but rather a focused walk that is guided by the lead hiker. So it is with believers in the church. Mature believers can never run on ahead in life, leaving behind new Christians that are hungry to understand how to be more conformed into the image of Christ. The body of Christ is designed and ordained by God to grow and mature as a whole body—not grow stronger in a way that is entirely unbalance and useless to the Father’s plan. God has commanded us to encourage and uplift the weaker brethren, and to serve the helpless and hopeless. Through this the body of Christ is unified, and we grow together in our purpose of being transformed into His image. We must be driven to love each other regardless of what we receive in return—we love because the Father first loved us and gave His son for us!


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Through it all

I look back over the course of the past two years, and I see nothing but the faithfulness of my God. I was two weeks removed from the most devastating event of my life when I joined the staff of Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters. I left my family mourning the loss of my brother and rerouted my life to the foothills of the Appalachians for the sake of ministry, the Gospel and my soon-to-be husband. I don't know that I realized just how broken I was when I began exhaustively pouring myself out day after day that summer. Student after student, church after church — my language and actions were overflowing with the love of Christ and His goodness.

God is good. God works all things for His glory. But what I didn't understand is how He could possibly work all things together for my good?

My sister-in-law was left without a husband, my 1-year-old niece without a daddy, my parents without their son. We were aching for our brother, nephew, grandson, cousin.

"How is this good?" I questioned.

In the quiet mornings of my time in the Word, I would find myself reassured of God's love for me and His pursuit of His glory in all things. But not once did I think He really meant good things for me.

Throughout that summer our worship band proclaimed:

You stay the same through the ages
Your love never changes
There may be pain in the night but joy comes in the morning
... You work all things together for my good. (Jesus Culture)

They repeated it over and over.

You work all things together for my good.

I clinched my fist in rage.

"This is not good," my spirit yelled at the Father. "Nothing about this is good! I know you are good, and I know you love me, but I just can't believe that you work all things together for my good."

I was broken, confused and ashamed. I was like the Psalmist David in Psalm 42 — "My tears have been my food day and night while they say to me continually 'Where is your God?'"

But David had to remind himself of the faithfulness of the Lord and of how simply he could forget the Lord's goodness. "Hope in God," he encourages his soul. "By day the Lord commands His steadfast love, and at night His song is with me."

Piece my piece the Lord began to restore my spirit. "I am the Lord, and there is no other," he promised. "I equip you, though you do not know me, that people may know, from the rising of the sun and from the west, that there is none besides me" (Is. 45:5-6).

Two years and three summers later, I am still exhaustively pouring myself out. But my story is much different.

I know I still make mistakes
But you have new mercies for me every day
Your love never fails.

I believe that. Even in the darkness of confusion and in the silence of despair, I am chosen by God. That is His ultimate goodness for me — that in the midst of my sin and rebellion, He placed His wrath on His innocent and perfect Son and offered hope and redemption for me. The consequence and pain of this world's sin will not be erased, but the offer of hope to the hopeless and life to the dead is a far more precious prize.

"You have turned my mourning into dancing; you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, that my glory may sing your praise and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever!" (Ps. 30:11)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Looking forward — What's to Come

It's hard to believe that the summer of SWO'12 is drawing to a close. We have seven camp weeks in the dust with three more in front of us. The entire summer seems like a blur, and we pray that we have been faithful about our Father's business.

As summer wraps up, we are immediately propelled into our ever-growing Retreat Season and straight into fund raising for our annual Honduras mission trip. Every December, Snowbird's entire full-time staff heads to Orphanage Emmanuel in Guaimaca, Honduras to minister to more than 600 children who have been orphaned by a number of circumstances. We have been ministering at this same orphanage annually for nearly a decade.

It is an honor to love on the children, play games with them in their yards and pour the Gospel into their lives. It also is an honor to show the children what it looks like to live in Biblical community as our staff works together to minister to these children and their leaders.

I humbly ask that you consider partnering with us this year. We are always in desperate need of financial help to get to Honduras. Fortunately this year, our cost per person is only $850 ($1700 for the Ragon family).

God called me (Brittany) to an ongoing relationship with Orphanage Emmanuel when I first visited there in 2006 — long before I knew of Snowbird. I served during the summer of 2007 as  short-term volunteer. It wasn't until 2009 that John began work with Snowbird and the two of us, together, committed to long-term ministry. This commitment was prior to our knowledge of Snowbird's annual trips. It has been a huge blessing to see the Lord fulfill His calling in our lives through Snowbird's ongoing partnership with Emmanuel.

We couldn't fulfill this call each year without your help. We ask that you consider sending a check to Snowbird Outfitters, 75 Mae Johnson Way, Andrews, NC 28901 with "Ragon — Honduras" in the memo. And pray for us, for our team of 65 and for the children there. Pray for our words, our playtime, our flexibility and our endurance. We want to run the race well and glorify our Creator God.

We live our lives for sake of pouring out the Gospel to students who come to our doorstep week after week. But Nov. 29-Dec. 6, we want to be the ones to take the Gospel to someone else's doorstep. We would love for you to be a part of our journey.

You may also consider supporting us with an ongoing monthly donation. We would welcome the help. Snowbird graciously offers us a minimal salary to help with our daily needs with the encouragement to partner it with additional support from believers. We would love for you to be a part of the ministry God is doing at Snowbird on a long-term basis. Email me ( or John ( to learn more about what this might look like.

Thanks for love us!

Brittany Ragon